
Practitioner’s Guide to Deep Learning

Our world is undergoing an AI revolution powered by very deep neural networks. With the advent of Apple Intelligence and Gemini, AI has reached the hands of every human being with a mobile phone. Apart from consumer AI, we also have deep learning models being used in several industries like automobi ...

Introduction to Polymorphism With Database Engines in NoSQL Using Jakarta NoSQL

Polymorphism, a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, allows objects of different types to be treated as instances of a common superclass. This flexibility is essential for creating systems that can be easily extended and maintained. While traditional SQL databases in combination with ...

How To Secure Your Angular Apps: End-To-End Encryption of API Calls

When it comes to secure web applications, we must keep sensitive data secure during the communication period. Sadly, while HTTPS encrypts data as it moves from point A to point B, the information is still exposed in a browser's network tab and can leak out this way. In this post, I will give you an ...

Roots of Test Smells

Test smells are signs that something has gone bad in your code. Plenty of great stuff has been written about them, and we at our team have contributed practical examples of how to spot smelly test code here and here. While test smells may arise for a bunch of different reasons, there is one recurrin ...

How To Implement a Gateway With Spring Cloud

A microservice system could have a high number of components with complex interactions. It is important to reduce this complexity, at least from the standpoint of the clients interacting with the system. A gateway hides the microservices from the external world. It represents a unique entrance and i ...

Exploring the Evolution of Transformers: From Basic To Advanced Architectures

In their seminal 2017 paper, "Attention Is All You Need," Vaswani et al. introduced the Transformer architecture, revolutionizing not only speech recognition technology but many other fields as well. This blog post explores the evolution of Transformers, tracing their development from the original d ...

Impact of Generative AI in the Cellular and IoT Telecommunication

The telecommunications industry, known for its constant evolution and technological advancements, is on the brink of a transformative shift with the integration of Generative AI (Gen AI). This emerging technology promises and is poised to revolutionize telecom operators' operational methodologies, c ...

OpenTelemetry: Unifying Application and Infrastructure Observability

In this insightful Q&A, Goutham Veeramachaneni, a long-time Prometheus maintainer and Product Manager at Grafana Labs, shares his unique perspective on the transformative impact of OpenTelemetry (OTel) in the observability landscape. Veeramachaneni discusses how OTel is standardizing teleme ...

Developing Event-Driven, Auto-Compensating Saga Transactions For Microservices

Over the past decade, I have presented many times and written numerous blogs and source code on sagas and event-driven microservices. In those blogs, I’ve discussed the need for sagas in microservices architectures, the preferred and increased use of event-driven patterns and communication for micro ...

Pilot VPC and Advanced NAT: Securely Connect Overlapping Networks to AWS VPC

In today's dynamic business environment, cloud computing has become a crucial enabler, offering enterprises unmatched scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud service provider, has transformed how organizations manage their IT infrastructures and appl ...

Optimizing Search Precision With Self-Querying Retrieval (SQR) and Langchain

What Is Self-Querying Retrieval? Self-querying retrieval (SQR) is a method ensuring that LLMs are at the core of understanding the user's intent against a document collection. Key ideas include: Document representation: Word embedding provides a numerical vector for every document. This helps ...

Key Strategies on How to Advance Your Digital Tech Career

The digital technology market is highly saturated and competitive, and to survive there, you need to succeed. Tech employers constantly seek IT professionals with the latest industry knowledge and expertise due to interconnected reasons: digital technology companies compete in international markets ...

How Behavioral Biometrics Enhances Fraud Prevention

Today’s fraud prevention processes are far smoother than they used to be. Automated alert systems and authentication measures are now standard, but these relatively simple, rules-based solutions are still imperfect. The growing field of behavioral biometrics offers a more reliable alternative. Highe ...

Snowflake Integration Patterns: Apache Kafka vs. Zero ETL and Reverse ETL

Snowflake is a leading cloud-native data warehouse. Integration patterns include batch data integration, Zero ETL, and near real-time data ingestion with Apache Kafka. This blog post explores the different approaches and discovers their trade-offs. Following industry recommendations, it is suggested ...

Test Automation in QA

Maintaining quality is essential in the dynamic field of software development. Despite being essential, manual testing can become a bottleneck since it takes a lot of time and is prone to human error. One useful method for quickening the quality assurance process is test automation. They include emp ...

Effortless API Mocking With Playwright

Automated testing of web applications often requires interaction with external APIs. However, relying on actual API responses can introduce variables beyond your control, such as network issues or server downtime. This is where API mocking comes in. Mocking allows you to simulate API responses, maki ...

The Hidden Costs of Lombok in Enterprise Java Solutions

Imagine inheriting a codebase where classes are clean and concise, and developers don't have to worry about boilerplate code because they can get automatically generated getters, setters, constructors, and even builder patterns. Meet Lombok, a library used for accelerating development through "clean ...

My Shortcut of Choice: Reading the Source Code

There is a great post post on is one of those golden blogs of the past just like codinghorror and Joel on software. You might have stumbled upon them before especially if you have been around for a long time. In the past, it was the norm to encourage individuals to read the source cod ...

ChaosMeta for AI: Taking AI Stability to the Next Level With Chaos Engineering

In today's AI era, the architecture of AI systems is becoming increasingly complex, making its stability, resource utilization, and fault self-healing capabilities increasingly important. Addressing issues only when they occur during actual operation not only incurs high costs but also affects user ...

Comprehensive Guide To Static Testing: Tools, Challenges, and Benefits

To create high-quality software, it’s essential to thoroughly test applications before releasing them to customers. There are numerous methods available to rigorously analyze the software you’ve developed. Static testing is a valuable software development technique that focuses on preventing defects ...

Advanced URL Rewriting With Apache APISIX

I spoke at Swiss PgDay in Switzerland in late June. The talk was about how to create a no-code API with the famous PostgreSQL database, the related PostgREST, and Apache APISIX, of course. I already wrote about the idea in a previous post. However, I wanted to improve it, if only slightly. PostgREST ...

Consistency vs Availability: The Eternal Struggle in Distributed Databases

Imagine millions of customers trying to book last-minute deals on a hotel or flight during one of the biggest sale events of the year, and while some customers can book, others see failures while making their bookings. This inconsistency results in frustrated customers and logistical nightmares. Thi ...

Building a Modern Data Architecture: From Legacy Systems to Cloud Integration

The transition from legacy data systems to modern, cloud-based architectures is a complex but essential process for businesses seeking to enhance their data management capabilities, scalability, and overall efficiency. This article will discuss the steps and considerations necessary for successfully ...

History and Future of LLMs

Inception of LLMs: NLP and Neural Networks The creation of Large Language Models didn’t happen overnight. Remarkably, the first concept of language models started with rule-based systems dubbed Natural Language Processing. These systems follow predefined rules that make decisions and infer conclusio ...

From Observability To Architectural Observability: Shifting Left for Resiliency

In my previous article, Managing Architectural Tech Debt, I talked about understanding and managing architectural technical debt. Architectural technical debt is the often ignored, but ironically one of the most damaging, categories of technical debt. In this article, I want to dive deeper into one ...

Understanding Concurrency Patterns in Go

Go, also known as Golang, has become a popular language for developing concurrent systems due to its simple yet powerful concurrency model. Concurrency is a first-class citizen in Go, making it easier to write programs that efficiently use multicore processors. This article explores essential concur ...